Connor McGregor Throws One Of The Worst First Pitches In The History Of Man

We've all had this dream. You walk out on to the mound of your favorite team before the game. The stadium is full, all eyes on you, your favorite player gets into a catchers stance behind home plate. You take a deep breath, focus on your target and let it rip. You put all your arm strength into it. You want to look good, you want the crowd to cheer, you want to be on SportsCenter later that night for maybe the best first pitch ever. You hear the smack of the glove as the ball crosses home plate.

Well, none of that, and I mean none of that was the case for Connor McGregor last night. Although, he did end up on SportsCenter last night, but, it wasn't for the right reasons. Let's roll the tape.

Oh. My. God. Connor. What in the hell was that?!? Dude! You literally use your arms for a living to fight. And if you use your arms to fight professionally, you know how to aim. So let me think of the reasons why this was so bad. Maybe he was nervous. Maybe had some sweat on his palm because he was so hot with the suit he was wearing. Maybe he was drunk of his branded whiskey. All I'm saying is, dude, Connor, your first pitch isn't supposed to be as bad and as weak as your ankles. Get out to the cage and practice. Because as of right now, the odds of you ever getting another first pitch chance in baseball is the same as the odds of you winning another UFC fight. Not good.

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