Texas Rangers GM Takes Shot at Brian McTaggart Over Astros-Rangers Tweet

Texas Rangers GM Chris Young fired back at the idea that him team lost the AL West because they partied on Saturday night, and weren't focused enough in their 1-0 loss to the Seattle Mariners on Sunday. Young singled out a tweet from beat writer Brian McTaggart calling it "classless" and "poor journalism."

Here was the tweet:

Now, McTaggart isn't wrong - the Astros came out focused and on a mission Sunday, bludgeoning the Diamondbacks and winning when they needed to most. The Rangers came out lackadaisical on Sunday in Seattle, getting shut out when one win would've clinched them the AL West.

“I find it ridiculous that that's even a subject, honestly,” Young said Monday afternoon on 105.3 The Fan. “This is the most professional responsible group of players that I've ever been around. We had a very subdued champagne popping, but beyond that there was there was no partying. There was nothing outlandish."

Nothing outlandish, but it definitely was a jubilant celebration Saturday night for the Rangers. It was not "subdued" as Young is trying to make it out to be.

It seems instead of focusing their anger and frustration on their own team, who was unable to win when it mattered most, they're taking shots at Houston and McTaggart.

One thing is sure - the Astros vs Rangers rivalry is still very alive an well. The only question is, can both teams win their respective series and perhaps meet up in the ALCS?

Photo: Steph Chambers / Getty Images Sport / Getty Images

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