Doug Pike

Doug Pike

The Doug Pike Show airs 7-10 a.m. Saturdays and 8-10 a.m. Sundays SportsTalk790. Doug has hosted the show for 20 years, covering the great outdoors...Full Bio


The Doug Pike Show 6-2-2024

On this episode of The Doug Pike Show Doug talks about fishing spots in the Houston communities, stock tanks info., and Grass Carp fish. DO you know what the term slicks means? Doug explains it and you'll be surprised.  Doug shares how top water lures have evolved overtime and how the price has gone up. Crank bait, casters/reels, and night fishing.Do you remember Catfish farms? Doug goes down memory lane with a caller. Info. on fishing in bar ditches, retention ponds, jetties and dikes in Texas. Doug talks about Bass, Crapppies, Trout, Snook, Red Snapper, and more. Golf updates 

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