10 - Toby - Alfred Blue
No offense Alfred but nobody got why you stayed a Texan so long. Just like everyone in The Office was annoyed by Toby, Texans fans felt the same way about Blue. Every time Blue touched the ball, we would all yell out a Michael Scott NOOOOO NOOO WHY GOD PLEASE NO.
9 - Creed - Ron Artest
The wild but lovable child of Houston sports. Creed was the most bizarre character on The Office and only Ron Artest or Meta World Peace or The Panda matches up with him.
8 - Andy - Bill O'Brien
The guy who rises to the top and is 1000000000 percent unqualified. Uh, that's Andy and Bill. Andy becomes the laughing stock of the internet for his viral meltdown and Bill did the same for his trade of Hopkins.
7 - Oscar - Daryl Morey
Oscar is a character with mixed reviews from fans just like Daryl. But the numbers nerd who wants everything a certain way is a pure match for Morey. I loved Daryl but he knew the math that made the most sense for the team and wouldn't change his stance. Oscar being stubborn on how he wants things is my favorite comparison to Morey.
6 - Kevin - Ed Reed
So Kevin is supposed to be good at his job right? But we found out by the end of his show he used "Klevins" to fix his math problems. That's Ed Reed. The Texans signed a Hall Of Fame Safety that was supposed to be great at his job just like Kevin was supposed to be good at his job, but in fact he was a fraud and just straight terrible. Oh both lost their respective companies tons of Money.
5 - Daryl - Carlos Correa
Daryl is a character on the office that you always want more from and just as Daryl gets promoted and becomes a great character he bounces and leaves. I'm not saying Carlos is leaving but we have always wanted more from Correa and he finally gave it to us. He's fun and the most entertaining player on and off the field in Houston.
4 - Michael - The McNairs
The McNairs are Michale Scott just because I can 100 percent believe they have a mug that says "World Best Boss" and they bought it from themselves. Also, not great at what they do.
3 - Dwight - Jack Easterby
Well if Cal is Michael, Jack is absolutely Dwight. He weaseled his way to the top and nobody is actually sure if he's going to be good at his job. Dwight is best known for being a beet farmer and Jack is best know for being a Chaplin. Neither really have success and doing what they are being second best at.
2 - Pam - Jeff Luhnow
Pam is THE WORST. She cheats on Roy, stops Jim from perusing his career and even jeopardizes their marriage by her actions. Well, let me introduce you to Jeff Luhnow. He won't admit what he did was wrong, just like Pam. But he got his results in a World Series title and Pam got her family, career and eventually let Jim pursue his dream in Austin. What Luhnow meant for the Astros & Pam meant for The Office are undeniable but they kinda messed up everything.
1 - Jim - Alex Bregman
This is reallllly simple. Jim is the favorite on the show and the thing he does the most is look randomly at the cameras. He's loved by pretty much everyone that watches the show. That's a match for Bregman.